
What is a repositorium?

The repositorium is a searchable database that provides data on relevant articles from journals, company web pages and web pages of governmental agencies about studies/applications of genome-editing in model plants and agricultural crops in the period January 1996 to May 2018. Search options are article type, technique, plant, traits or free text. The repositorium is based on the systematic map of Dominik Modrzejewski et al., published in the journal environmental evidence. (Download article PDF).

CRISPR/Cas9-mediated targeted mutagenesis of GmFT2a delays flowering time in soya bean

Typ / Jahr

Journal Article / 2017


Cai, Yupeng; Chen, Li; Liu, Xiujie; Guo, Chen; Sun, Shi; Wu, Cunxiang; Jiang, Bingjun; Han, Tianfu; Hou, Wensheng


Flowering is an indication of the transition from vegetative growth to reproductive growth and has considerable effects on the life cycle of soya bean (Glycine max). In this study, we employed the CRISPR/Cas9 system to specifically induce targeted mutagenesis of GmFT2a, an integrator in the photoperiod flowering pathway in soya bean. The soya bean cultivar Jack was transformed with three sgRNA/Cas9 vectors targeting different sites of endogenous GmFT2a via Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Site-directed mutations were observed at all targeted sites by DNA sequencing analysis. T1-generation soya bean plants homozygous for null alleles of GmFT2a frameshift mutated by a 1-bp insertion or short deletion exhibited late flowering under natural conditions (summer) in Beijing, China (N39°58', E116°20'). We also found that the targeted mutagenesis was stably heritable in the following T2 generation, and the homozygous GmFT2a mutants exhibited late flowering under both long-day and short-day conditions. We identified some 'transgene-clean' soya bean plants that were homozygous for null alleles of endogenous GmFT2a and without any transgenic element from the T1 and T2 generations. These 'transgene-clean' mutants of GmFT2a may provide materials for more in-depth research of GmFT2a functions and the molecular mechanism of photoperiod responses in soya bean. They will also contribute to soya bean breeding and regional introduction.

Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation; CRISPR/Cas9; flowering time.; genome editing; GmFT2a; soya bean
Plant biotechnology journal
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Plant Species GE Technique
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Progress in Research
Key Topic
38 Wensheng, Hou
Glycine Max CRISPR/Cas9
Late flowering/ flowering time/ flowering induction
Agronomic value