
What is a repositorium?

The repositorium is a searchable database that provides data on relevant articles from journals, company web pages and web pages of governmental agencies about studies/applications of genome-editing in model plants and agricultural crops in the period January 1996 to May 2018. Search options are article type, technique, plant, traits or free text. The repositorium is based on the systematic map of Dominik Modrzejewski et al., published in the journal environmental evidence. (Download article PDF).

Targeted transgene integration in plant cells using designed zinc finger nucleases

Typ / Jahr

Journal Article / 2008


Cai, Charles Q.; Doyon, Yannick; Ainley, W. Michael; Miller, Jeffrey C.; DeKelver, Russell C.; Moehle, Erica A.; Rock, Jeremy M.; Lee, Ya-Li; Garrison, Robbi; Schulenberg, Lisa; Blue, Ryan; Worden, Andrew; Baker, Lisa; Faraji, Farhoud; Zhang, Lei; Holmes, Michael C.; Rebar, Edward J.; Collingwood, Trevor N.; Rubin-Wilson, Beth; Gregory, Philip D.; Urnov, Fyodor D.; Petolino, Joseph F.


Targeted transgene integration in plants remains a significant technical challenge for both basic and applied research. Here it is reported that designed zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs) can drive site-directed DNA integration into transgenic and native gene loci. A dimer of designed 4-finger ZFNs enabled intra-chromosomal reconstitution of a disabled gfp reporter gene and site-specific transgene integration into chromosomal reporter loci following co-transformation of tobacco cell cultures with a donor construct comprised of sequences necessary to complement a non-functional pat herbicide resistance gene. In addition, a yeast-based assay was used to identify ZFNs capable of cleaving a native endochitinase gene. Agrobacterium delivery of a Ti plasmid harboring both the ZFNs and a donor DNA construct comprising a pat herbicide resistance gene cassette flanked by short stretches of homology to the endochitinase locus yielded up to 10% targeted, homology-directed transgene integration precisely into the ZFN cleavage site. Given that ZFNs can be designed to recognize a wide range of target sequences, these data point toward a novel approach for targeted gene addition, replacement and trait stacking in plants.

Double strand DNA breaks Homology-directed repair Site-directed transgene integration Zinc finger nucleases
Plant molecular biology
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ID Corresponding Author
Plant Species GE Technique
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Type of Alteration
Progress in Research
Key Topic
36 Petolino, Joseph F.
Nicotiana benthamiana Zinc-finger nucleases
herbicide tolerance
Basic research
Basic research
37 Petolino, Joseph F.
Nicotiana benthamiana Zinc-finger nucleases
green fluorescence protein expression
Basic research
Basic research