
What is a repositorium?

The repositorium is a searchable database that provides data on relevant articles from journals, company web pages and web pages of governmental agencies about studies/applications of genome-editing in model plants and agricultural crops in the period January 1996 to May 2018. Search options are article type, technique, plant, traits or free text. The repositorium is based on the systematic map of Dominik Modrzejewski et al., published in the journal environmental evidence. (Download article PDF).

Repair of Site-Specific DNA Double-Strand Breaks in Barley Occurs via Diverse Pathways Primarily Involving the Sister Chromatid

Typ / Jahr

Journal Article / 2014


Vu, Giang T. H.; Cao, Hieu X.; Watanabe, Koichi; Hensel, Goetz; Blattner, Frank R.; Kumlehn, Jochen; Schubert, Ingo


DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair mechanisms differ in their requirements for a homologous repair template and in the accuracy of the result. We aimed to quantify the outcome of repair of a single targeted DSB in somatic cells of young barley (Hordeum vulgare) plants. Amplicon sequencing of three reporter constructs revealed 47 to 58% of reads as repaired via nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) with deletions and/or small (1 to 3 bp) insertions. Alternative NHEJ revealed 2 to 5 bp microhomology (15.7% of cases) or new replication-mediated short duplications at sealed breaks. Although deletions outweigh insertions in barley, this bias was less pronounced and deleted sequences were shorter than in Arabidopsis thaliana. Between 17 and 33% of reads likely represent restoration of the original sequence. Depending on the construct, 20 to 33% of reads arose via gene conversion (homologous recombination). Remarkably, <1 to >8% of reads apparently display synthesis-dependent strand annealing linked with NHEJ, inserting 4 to 61 bp, mostly originating from the surrounding of breakpoints. Positional coincidence of >81% of sister chromatid exchanges with target loci is unprecedented for higher eukaryotes and indicates that most repair events for staggered DSBs, at least in barley, involve the sister chromatid and occur during S or G2 phase of the cell cycle.

double-strand break (DSB) repair; genome shrinkage; genome size evolution; Nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ); single strand annealing (SSA).
The Plant cell
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519 Vu, Giang T.H.
Hordeum vulgare Meganucleases
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520 Vu, Giang T.H.
Hordeum vulgare Meganucleases
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Basic research